Эмодзи изображающие различные символы и знаки
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1321 |
U+1F3E7 |
🏧 |
ATM sign |
1322 |
U+1F6AE |
🚮 |
litter in bin sign |
1323 |
U+1F6B0 |
🚰 |
potable water |
1324 |
U+267F |
♿ |
wheelchair symbol |
1325 |
U+1F6B9 |
🚹 |
men’s room |
1326 |
U+1F6BA |
🚺 |
women’s room |
1327 |
U+1F6BB |
🚻 |
restroom |
1328 |
U+1F6BC |
🚼 |
baby symbol |
1329 |
U+1F6BE |
🚾 |
water closet |
1330 |
U+1F6C2 |
🛂 |
passport control |
1331 |
U+1F6C3 |
🛃 |
customs |
1332 |
U+1F6C4 |
🛄 |
baggage claim |
1333 |
U+1F6C5 |
🛅 |
left luggage |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1334 |
U+26A0 |
⚠ |
warning |
1335 |
U+1F6B8 |
🚸 |
children crossing |
1336 |
U+26D4 |
⛔ |
no entry |
1337 |
U+1F6AB |
🚫 |
prohibited |
1338 |
U+1F6B3 |
🚳 |
no bicycles |
1339 |
U+1F6AD |
🚭 |
no smoking |
1340 |
U+1F6AF |
🚯 |
no littering |
1341 |
U+1F6B1 |
🚱 |
non-potable water |
1342 |
U+1F6B7 |
🚷 |
no pedestrians |
1343 |
U+1F4F5 |
📵 |
no mobile phones |
1344 |
U+1F51E |
🔞 |
no one under eighteen |
1345 |
U+2622 |
☢ |
radioactive |
1346 |
U+2623 |
☣ |
biohazard |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1347 |
U+2B06 |
⬆ |
up arrow |
1348 |
U+2197 |
↗ |
up-right arrow |
1349 |
U+27A1 |
➡ |
right arrow |
1350 |
U+2198 |
↘ |
down-right arrow |
1351 |
U+2B07 |
⬇ |
down arrow |
1352 |
U+2199 |
↙ |
down-left arrow |
1353 |
U+2B05 |
⬅ |
left arrow |
1354 |
U+2196 |
↖ |
up-left arrow |
1355 |
U+2195 |
↕ |
up-down arrow |
1356 |
U+2194 |
↔ |
left-right arrow |
1357 |
U+21A9 |
↩ |
right arrow curving left |
1358 |
U+21AA |
↪ |
left arrow curving right |
1359 |
U+2934 |
⤴ |
right arrow curving up |
1360 |
U+2935 |
⤵ |
right arrow curving down |
1361 |
U+1F503 |
🔃 |
clockwise vertical arrows |
1362 |
U+1F504 |
🔄 |
counterclockwise arrows button |
1363 |
U+1F519 |
🔙 |
BACK arrow |
1364 |
U+1F51A |
🔚 |
END arrow |
1365 |
U+1F51B |
🔛 |
ON! arrow |
1366 |
U+1F51C |
🔜 |
SOON arrow |
1367 |
U+1F51D |
🔝 |
TOP arrow |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1368 |
U+1F6D0 |
🛐 |
place of worship |
1369 |
U+269B |
⚛ |
atom symbol |
1370 |
U+1F549 |
🕉 |
om |
1371 |
U+2721 |
✡ |
star of David |
1372 |
U+2638 |
☸ |
wheel of dharma |
1373 |
U+262F |
☯ |
yin yang |
1374 |
U+271D |
✝ |
latin cross |
1375 |
U+2626 |
☦ |
orthodox cross |
1376 |
U+262A |
☪ |
star and crescent |
1377 |
U+262E |
☮ |
peace symbol |
1378 |
U+1F54E |
🕎 |
menorah |
1379 |
U+1F52F |
🔯 |
dotted six-pointed star |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1380 |
U+2648 |
♈ |
Aries |
1381 |
U+2649 |
♉ |
Taurus |
1382 |
U+264A |
♊ |
Gemini |
1383 |
U+264B |
♋ |
Cancer |
1384 |
U+264C |
♌ |
Leo |
1385 |
U+264D |
♍ |
Virgo |
1386 |
U+264E |
♎ |
Libra |
1387 |
U+264F |
♏ |
Scorpio |
1388 |
U+2650 |
♐ |
Sagittarius |
1389 |
U+2651 |
♑ |
Capricorn |
1390 |
U+2652 |
♒ |
Aquarius |
1391 |
U+2653 |
♓ |
Pisces |
1392 |
U+26CE |
⛎ |
Ophiuchus |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1393 |
U+1F500 |
🔀 |
shuffle tracks button |
1394 |
U+1F501 |
🔁 |
repeat button |
1395 |
U+1F502 |
🔂 |
repeat single button |
1396 |
U+25B6 |
▶ |
play button |
1397 |
U+23E9 |
⏩ |
fast-forward button |
1398 |
U+23ED |
⏭ |
next track button |
1399 |
U+23EF |
⏯ |
play or pause button |
1400 |
U+25C0 |
◀ |
reverse button |
1401 |
U+23EA |
⏪ |
fast reverse button |
1402 |
U+23EE |
⏮ |
last track button |
1403 |
U+1F53C |
🔼 |
upwards button |
1404 |
U+23EB |
⏫ |
fast up button |
1405 |
U+1F53D |
🔽 |
downwards button |
1406 |
U+23EC |
⏬ |
fast down button |
1407 |
U+23F8 |
⏸ |
pause button |
1408 |
U+23F9 |
⏹ |
stop button |
1409 |
U+23FA |
⏺ |
record button |
1410 |
U+23CF |
⏏ |
eject button |
1411 |
U+1F3A6 |
🎦 |
cinema |
1412 |
U+1F505 |
🔅 |
dim button |
1413 |
U+1F506 |
🔆 |
bright button |
1414 |
U+1F4F6 |
📶 |
antenna bars |
1415 |
U+1F4F3 |
📳 |
vibration mode |
1416 |
U+1F4F4 |
📴 |
mobile phone off |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1417 |
U+2640 |
♀ |
female sign |
1418 |
U+2642 |
♂ |
male sign |
1419 |
U+26A7 |
⚧ |
⊛ transgender symbol |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1420 |
U+2716 |
✖ |
multiply |
1421 |
U+2795 |
➕ |
plus |
1422 |
U+2796 |
➖ |
minus |
1423 |
U+2797 |
➗ |
divide |
1424 |
U+267E |
♾ |
infinity |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1425 |
U+203C |
‼ |
double exclamation mark |
1426 |
U+2049 |
⁉ |
exclamation question mark |
1427 |
U+2753 |
❓ |
question mark |
1428 |
U+2754 |
❔ |
white question mark |
1429 |
U+2755 |
❕ |
white exclamation mark |
1430 |
U+2757 |
❗ |
exclamation mark |
1431 |
U+3030 |
〰 |
wavy dash |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1432 |
U+1F4B1 |
💱 |
currency exchange |
1433 |
U+1F4B2 |
💲 |
heavy dollar sign |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1434 |
U+2695 |
⚕ |
medical symbol |
1435 |
U+267B |
♻ |
recycling symbol |
1436 |
U+269C |
⚜ |
fleur-de-lis |
1437 |
U+1F531 |
🔱 |
trident emblem |
1438 |
U+1F4DB |
📛 |
name badge |
1439 |
U+1F530 |
🔰 |
Japanese symbol for beginner |
1440 |
U+2B55 |
⭕ |
hollow red circle |
1441 |
U+2705 |
✅ |
check mark button |
1442 |
U+2611 |
☑ |
check box with check |
1443 |
U+2714 |
✔ |
check mark |
1444 |
U+274C |
❌ |
cross mark |
1445 |
U+274E |
❎ |
cross mark button |
1446 |
U+27B0 |
➰ |
curly loop |
1447 |
U+27BF |
➿ |
double curly loop |
1448 |
U+303D |
〽 |
part alternation mark |
1449 |
U+2733 |
✳ |
eight-spoked asterisk |
1450 |
U+2734 |
✴ |
eight-pointed star |
1451 |
U+2747 |
❇ |
sparkle |
1452 |
U+00A9 |
© |
copyright |
1453 |
U+00AE |
® |
registered |
1454 |
U+2122 |
™ |
trade mark |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1455 |
U+0023 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
#️⃣ |
keycap: # |
1456 |
U+002A U+FE0F U+20E3 |
*️⃣ |
keycap: * |
1457 |
U+0030 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
0️⃣ |
keycap: 0 |
1458 |
U+0031 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
1️⃣ |
keycap: 1 |
1459 |
U+0032 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
2️⃣ |
keycap: 2 |
1460 |
U+0033 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
3️⃣ |
keycap: 3 |
1461 |
U+0034 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
4️⃣ |
keycap: 4 |
1462 |
U+0035 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
5️⃣ |
keycap: 5 |
1463 |
U+0036 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
6️⃣ |
keycap: 6 |
1464 |
U+0037 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
7️⃣ |
keycap: 7 |
1465 |
U+0038 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
8️⃣ |
keycap: 8 |
1466 |
U+0039 U+FE0F U+20E3 |
9️⃣ |
keycap: 9 |
1467 |
U+1F51F |
🔟 |
keycap: 10 |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1468 |
U+1F520 |
🔠 |
input latin uppercase |
1469 |
U+1F521 |
🔡 |
input latin lowercase |
1470 |
U+1F522 |
🔢 |
input numbers |
1471 |
U+1F523 |
🔣 |
input symbols |
1472 |
U+1F524 |
🔤 |
input latin letters |
1473 |
U+1F170 |
🅰 |
A button (blood type) |
1474 |
U+1F18E |
🆎 |
AB button (blood type) |
1475 |
U+1F171 |
🅱 |
B button (blood type) |
1476 |
U+1F191 |
🆑 |
CL button |
1477 |
U+1F192 |
🆒 |
COOL button |
1478 |
U+1F193 |
🆓 |
FREE button |
1479 |
U+2139 |
ℹ |
information |
1480 |
U+1F194 |
🆔 |
ID button |
1481 |
U+24C2 |
Ⓜ |
circled M |
1482 |
U+1F195 |
🆕 |
NEW button |
1483 |
U+1F196 |
🆖 |
NG button |
1484 |
U+1F17E |
🅾 |
O button (blood type) |
1485 |
U+1F197 |
🆗 |
OK button |
1486 |
U+1F17F |
🅿 |
P button |
1487 |
U+1F198 |
🆘 |
SOS button |
1488 |
U+1F199 |
🆙 |
UP! button |
1489 |
U+1F19A |
🆚 |
VS button |
1490 |
U+1F201 |
🈁 |
Japanese “here” button |
1491 |
U+1F202 |
🈂 |
Japanese “service charge” button |
1492 |
U+1F237 |
🈷 |
Japanese “monthly amount” button |
1493 |
U+1F236 |
🈶 |
Japanese “not free of charge” button |
1494 |
U+1F22F |
🈯 |
Japanese “reserved” button |
1495 |
U+1F250 |
🉐 |
Japanese “bargain” button |
1496 |
U+1F239 |
🈹 |
Japanese “discount” button |
1497 |
U+1F21A |
🈚 |
Japanese “free of charge” button |
1498 |
U+1F232 |
🈲 |
Japanese “prohibited” button |
1499 |
U+1F251 |
🉑 |
Japanese “acceptable” button |
1500 |
U+1F238 |
🈸 |
Japanese “application” button |
1501 |
U+1F234 |
🈴 |
Japanese “passing grade” button |
1502 |
U+1F233 |
🈳 |
Japanese “vacancy” button |
1503 |
U+3297 |
㊗ |
Japanese “congratulations” button |
1504 |
U+3299 |
㊙ |
Japanese “secret” button |
1505 |
U+1F23A |
🈺 |
Japanese “open for business” button |
1506 |
U+1F235 |
🈵 |
Japanese “no vacancy” button |
№ |
Юникод |
Символ |
Картинка |
Описание |
1507 |
U+1F534 |
🔴 |
red circle |
1508 |
U+1F7E0 |
🟠 |
orange circle |
1509 |
U+1F7E1 |
🟡 |
yellow circle |
1510 |
U+1F7E2 |
🟢 |
green circle |
1511 |
U+1F535 |
🔵 |
blue circle |
1512 |
U+1F7E3 |
🟣 |
purple circle |
1513 |
U+1F7E4 |
🟤 |
brown circle |
1514 |
U+26AB |
⚫ |
black circle |
1515 |
U+26AA |
⚪ |
white circle |
1516 |
U+1F7E5 |
🟥 |
red square |
1517 |
U+1F7E7 |
🟧 |
orange square |
1518 |
U+1F7E8 |
🟨 |
yellow square |
1519 |
U+1F7E9 |
🟩 |
green square |
1520 |
U+1F7E6 |
🟦 |
blue square |
1521 |
U+1F7EA |
🟪 |
purple square |
1522 |
U+1F7EB |
🟫 |
brown square |
1523 |
U+2B1B |
⬛ |
black large square |
1524 |
U+2B1C |
⬜ |
white large square |
1525 |
U+25FC |
◼ |
black medium square |
1526 |
U+25FB |
◻ |
white medium square |
1527 |
U+25FE |
◾ |
black medium-small square |
1528 |
U+25FD |
◽ |
white medium-small square |
1529 |
U+25AA |
▪ |
black small square |
1530 |
U+25AB |
▫ |
white small square |
1531 |
U+1F536 |
🔶 |
large orange diamond |
1532 |
U+1F537 |
🔷 |
large blue diamond |
1533 |
U+1F538 |
🔸 |
small orange diamond |
1534 |
U+1F539 |
🔹 |
small blue diamond |
1535 |
U+1F53A |
🔺 |
red triangle pointed up |
1536 |
U+1F53B |
🔻 |
red triangle pointed down |
1537 |
U+1F4A0 |
💠 |
diamond with a dot |
1538 |
U+1F518 |
🔘 |
radio button |
1539 |
U+1F533 |
🔳 |
white square button |
1540 |
U+1F532 |
🔲 |
black square button |